CFCC Announces Winners of May 9th Online Prize Tournament! — Central Florida Chess Club

CFCC Announces Winners of May 9th Online Prize Tournament!

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CFCC May 9, 2020 Online Tournament Winners

After determined our 1st & 2nd place winners violated their Fair Play policies in yesterday’s online tournament, the club wishes to congratulate NM Raghav Venkat (LilRag) who, after the player disqualifications, won clear 1st Place with a prize payout of $80.

2nd & 3rd place prize payouts were combined and split among the three titled National Master players, NM Larry Storch (Storchnoi), NM Theo Slade (TheoSlade), and NM Bob Persante (Cornwallite), all of who earned 3 points each and a $26.67 prize.

Other winners include KbloxK for the top U1800 $30 prize, thechicken99 won the top U1400 $30 prize, and both finehiddenbrother & anderbot tied for the top U1000 prize, giving each player a prize payout of $15. We look forward to next Saturday’s prize tournament on May 16, 2020 that starts exactly at 2pm EST!

Player Results Table For May 9, 2020

Thanks to all the players that have joined our online club and participated in today’s event! We had 29 club players competing in the online prize tournament that includes a results table listing all the players and tournament pairings.

From the May 9th results table

From the May 9th results table

We encourage players to provide us feedback about your online tournament experience and to pass along any ideas you may have about improving the dynamics of our online tournament events.

Learn more about our Online Tournaments or check out the 3 easy steps to make sure you’re ready to play!